Amber Solutions

DoS Shield

Ensure the operational continuity of your systems against Denial of Service (DoS and DDoS) attacks. Through controlled simulations, we replicate real attack scenarios to evaluate the resilience of your defenses and improve your ability to respond to these threats. Protect your digital infrastructure with confidence.

Proactive hardening against DoS and DDoS attacks

Frequently Asked Questions Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is DoS Shield and why is it important?

DoS Shield is a specialized service that evaluates and improves the resilience of your systems against Denial of Service (DoS) and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. It is important because these attacks can disrupt the availability of your systems and services, affecting the operability of your organization.


2. What types of attacks are simulated in DoS Shield?

We replicate DoS and DDoS attacks at different levels of intensity, simulating real scenarios that evaluate the ability of your defenses to withstand these types of threats. Simulations include volumetric, amplification and application-based attacks, among others.


How does DoS Shield help protect my digital infrastructure?

Through our controlled simulations, we identify weaknesses in your infrastructure and measure the responsiveness of your systems to denial-of-service attacks. With this information, we provide you with recommendations to optimize your defense mechanisms and ensure operational continuity.


Does DoS and DDoS attack simulation affect the performance of my systems?

No. Our simulations are designed to run in a controlled manner without affecting the performance of your systems. The tests are carefully planned to avoid interruptions and are carried out in environments that guarantee the security of your infrastructure.


Can the DoS Shield service be customized for the specific needs of my organization?

Yes, we tailor our DoS Shield audits and simulations to the specifics of your infrastructure. This allows us to offer you customized solutions that match the magnitude of the risks you face and the specific requirements of your digital environment.

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